Executive Solutions

Executive Solutions

Building a reliable foundation for an Executive Income Protection Strategy is essential for preserving a sizable portion of your leadership team’s livelihood in an event they are unable to work. We can assist your business in implementing comprehensive executive solutions that not only retain key employees but also establish safeguards to mitigate the impact of unexpected events on your Most Valuable Professionals.

In addition to fulfilling the responsibility of caring for your general employees in your organization, owners commonly overlook the crucial aspect of looking after the retirement well-being of the executives who drive the business forward.

– MAX Efficient can deliver

Neglecting to prioritize ALL Available tax-deferred contribution options for retirement, may jeopardize the ability to sustain your current lifestyle “Retired! No Alarm Clock! No Problem!”

– MAX Efficient has a solution

What if a key employee, who played a vital role in your business were to tragically fall ill? How do you ensure the financial well-being of their loved ones while also safeguarding the continuity of your business?

– MAX Efficient can help

The average senior executive’s age in 2022 is 49 years old..

Experts say you should have 10 times your income saved to retire by age 67 to maintain lifestyle.

A study found that following an owner’s death approximately 60% of business sales are lost. The death of a key employee drops business survival rate by 20% for two years following the loss.

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